Sunday, May 4, 2014

Young people aren't the only one's addicted to technology

Can we all agree that stating something is social awkward, is what makes it awkward. If no one said that we would be fine. I might also add that if it wasn't for people, we wouldn't be socially awkward. Okay this has been sufficiently awkward now. You are feeling awkward right now because I keep using awkward in sentences. Awkward.
Society creates social behavior and then anything different from society's expectations is just "strange" or "wrong" 
Remember those friends from high school that we haven't really kept in touch with, or haven't seen since high school? Maybe only seen them on Facebook?

Why is it that we find it "awkward" when we're back in town from college and run into that one "friend" Is it because we don't like social interaction?

To get straight to the point. The main reason is because we're lazy. We don't want to go into detail about out life since high school because frankly it's been years and also who wants to talk to someone who's seen you go through those awkward stages in high school and possibly even puberty? Unless it's someone you've kept in touch with, you really don't want to see them.

Okay, this is assuming you're me. Most normal people wouldn't mind striking up a conversation and boasting about their lives.

A recent study has shown that teens who blog helps diminish socially awkwardness. Well, I guess that's too bad for me because I'm not a teen anymore. The study stated that posting a narrative of social awkward situations on blogs can help alleviate Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that teens experience due to unfortunate social situations.
Now that's all good and well, but what about someone who's not a teen and say in college? Or even older? And you're still experiencing this stuff. Get therapy.

No, it's not a joke and it shouldn't be such a taboo. Yes, there's a huge stigma behind it, but getting your mental health in check is just like getting your physical health in line. This stigma in my opinion is the reason we have kids shooting up schools.

Another recent article stated that parents have been spending to much time on their smart phones and that teens are being ignored by their parents. The children are begging for attention from their parents, but the parents are ignoring their teens. Yes, this was slightly shocking for me. Then I thought about it and it made perfect sense. The study included the difference between teens using smart phones and social media and parents. They found the teens who used smart phones interacted with other peers more and were much more social than their parents. The parents were found to have just been staring at their phones without engaging in any conversation with anyone around them.

I'd recommend reading this Rolling Stone article from 1999 by Marilyn Manson because it's still very relevant even in 2014.

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